Monday, September 3, 2012

Artiste Create a Critter 2 Night Light!

Hello my friends and hope you had a great long weekend! Probably the last time we'll swim this year at my daughters! Except its still 100+ degrees here in TX! Hope its cooler where you are!

This project was inspired by the Create A Critter 2 contest posted on the website. You can find the rules here! The 5 images are only free until Sept. 5th, so you best hurry if you want to enter!

My DGD loves Halloween! anything Halloween! and she loves night lights! so, I combined those 2 ideas and came up with this for the contest!

This was created in CCR! Woohoo! Everything worked! With the E2! Didn't open the Imagine! I am still using build 132 for everything, because the update doesn't play well with the Imagine!

The box is from the CTMH Cricut Artiste cart, page 34. Love that cart! If it doesn't have "it" you don't need it! LOL! If you'd like to purchase one, you can order directly on my CTMH webpage! I stretched it to 11.4 inches wide and long. Makes the box about 4 inches tall and about 2 3/4 inches wide. Perfect size! Each image cut is 2-3 inches tall.  When I welded the images from CAC2 it "hid" the score lines. But thats ok because they usually leave nasty little holes where you don't want them! But it made it tough to know where to fold the top edges to match up! But it came out great! I used black Walmart COLORBOK paper and welded the images to the box. Added a couple of extra little ghosts to add to the top for decoration. Lined it with vellum and colored it yellow behind the haunted house. the fence in front of the ghost is from Haunted House cart! This is the best cart for Halloween! Besides TC Halloween cart, but I don't have that one! The digital one is on sale at if you are interested! That's a great cart, just haven't found anything on it I can't make do with this HH cart! Its tied at the top with some twine from my stash, so she can easily open it to turn the little electric light on inside. The light is one of those that come 3 in a pack and you can get cheap at J's or M's. Can't remember now where I got mine. But they were cheap. Isn't that little ghost just the cutest with that patch! All of the images are on CAC2 except the fence. Come join the fun! Would love to win the Hello Thursday carts or all of the images in CCR, and I'm sure you would too!
Have a great week ahead! Its a short one!


Anonymous said...

Oh I love this! thank you so much for sharing...may have to scraplift this....again thank you

Anonymous said...

I am really satisfied with this posting that you have given us. This is really a stupendous work done by you. Thank you and looking for more posts

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